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Transfer Admissions FAQs

General Questions
  • How can I apply?
    Application instructions can be found on our How To Apply as a transfer applicant page.
  • Am I a transfer student?
    Montclair State University considers a transfer student one who has attempted 16 or more credits from a regionally accredited college or university after graduating high school or earning a high school diploma equivalent.
  • Can I choose “undeclared” as my major on my application?
    The answer depends on the number of transfer credits you are bringing with you:

YES – If you will enter Montclair State with fewer than 45 credits, you may apply as an undeclared student.

NO – If you will be transferring with 45 or more credits, you must declare a major in order to be considered for admission.

  • Will I need to take placement tests again?
    Generally, students arriving on campus with 24 or more college-level credits are exempt from taking the Math/English placement tests. However, certain majors that require higher-level math courses may require further testing. Also, if you have not successfully completed at least one foreign language course in college and/or your only experience with a foreign language was at the high school level, you will be required to take a foreign language placement test.
  • When is the application deadline?
    Applications must be submitted by the posted deadlines to be considered for admission. Required materials, like official transcripts, may be received after the deadline.
  • Are transfer scholarships available?
    Montclair offers $2,000 scholarships a year for 2 years exclusively for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society members. Undergraduate Admissions does not offer merit-based scholarships for incoming transfer students. However, there may be scholarships available through your major. More than 72% of students receive some sort of financial aid, so be sure to submit your FAFSA ( and list Montclair State University (MSU Code 2617).
  • Does Montclair offer an honors program for transfer students?
    Yes! Eligible transfer students may join Montclair State University’s Theta Xi chapter of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society after their first semester of enrollment. You can learn more about Tau Sigma on our Honor Societies web page.
  • How can I learn more about your academic programs?
    You can browse through all our Academic Programs online.
  • I’m a recently accepted transfer student. How do I register for classes?
    Accepted transfer students may register for classes after meeting with their academic advisor.
  • What is the 2+2 program?
    Montclair State’s 2+2 program is an exciting opportunity designed for community college students that guarantees admission to the University for students who enroll at various community colleges and complete an associate’s degree. Learn more about the specific requirements and agreements with each of our partner institutions on our Montclair State 2+2 web page.
  • What is reverse transfer and how does it work?
    Reverse transfer agreements allow students who have transferred to Montclair State from a New Jersey community college to complete an associate’s degree back at their community college while currently attending the University.
Transferring Credit
  • The college from which I’m transferring operates on a quarter-hour system. How do courses transfer in this circumstance?
    Students receive 2/3 of a Montclair State credit hour for each quarter hour earned elsewhere. This equation does not result in the loss of transfer credits.
  • How will I know how many credits will transfer to Montclair State?
    At Montclair State, we try our best to ensure that most credits transfer, provided they are from a regionally-accredited college/university. For your own reference, we do not give credit for basic skills courses, ESL courses lower than level 100, or courses where the earned grade is lower than a C-.
  • How many credits can I transfer?
    If you are transferring from a regionally accredited four-year institution, we do not currently limit the number of credits you may transfer. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to complete a minimum of 30 credits at Montclair State in order to receive a Montclair State degree. If you are transferring from a regionally accredited two-year institution (community college) or two-year program,  you may transfer up to 60 credits towards your bachelor’s degree.
  • Are courses in which I received grades of “P” (pass), “CR” (credit) or “S” (satisfactory) accepted in transfer?
    Generally, courses taken with a grade of “P”, “CR”, or “S” are accepted at full credit value, provided they are college-level credits from your previous school.
  • Is my GPA from my previous college transferred to Montclair State?
    No, only credits are transferred from your previous college(s).
  • I took a CLEP test at my other college. Will Montclair State accept CLEP scores?
    Students who earn CLEP credits through another college must submit official test scores to Montclair State in order to receive credit. (Please note: If the CLEP credits contributed to the completion of an AA, AS, or AFA degree from a community college, test scores are not required.) Please review the CLEP Exam Equivalency Chart.
  • I took AP courses in high school. Will Montclair State accept my AP scores?
    Students who took AP courses in high school must submit official test scores to Montclair State in order to receive credit. Please review the AP Exam Equivalency Chart.
  • Can I receive an evaluation of my transfer credits before I am admitted?
    Due to the large volume of transfer applications received, we are unable to conduct credit evaluations prior to a student being admitted. The evaluation will be completed shortly after admission and is available prior to paying a tuition deposit.
  • Does Montclair accept D grades?
    In general, no: only grades of C- or better are accepted in transfer; however there are two exceptions:

1.When a D grade is earned through an associate degree (AA, AS, or AFA) from a community college.

2.When the first grade in a two-term sequence of courses is a D and the second grade is a C- or better.

  • I am enrolled in a New Jersey community college and I am transferring to Montclair State. Is there a website that describes how courses will transfer?
    Yes. Visit
  • What is the advantage of transferring with an Associate Degree?
    Students who graduate from a community college and earn an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), or Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) will have fulfilled Montclair State’s General Education requirement. The General Education requirement will be waived.
  • Does Montclair accept credits from the NYU Language Proficiency exam?
    Yes, these scores may be reviewed for transfer credit. All NYU Language Proficiency exam score reports must be sent directly to Rashida Batte-Bowden, Associate Registrar, at and Adele Basile, Assistant Registrar, at
  • I don’t understand my credit evaluation. Can someone help me?
    We’re happy to help! Please contact us at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.


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